Monday, December 12, 2011

I cooked dinner tonight...

I cooked dinner tonight, and it is edible!!!! I'm very pleased, that was all I was aiming for :)

Meringue cake

My meringue cake. Easy and fast to make and soooo good, it's impossible to stay away from it. This is what is left of it. You could do the whole plate in the oven, double it up and then you have a really big cake for a lot of people. Just take the two meringue cakes and add whipped cream in between. And it's done! And soooo delicious!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Soon it's christmas...

I have looked all over for the electrical candles with seven lights that we have in Sweden, but there is nowhere to find in New York. The only one I found so far is in the window of the Swedish church in NYC. And I did not find any of the four candles. So I made my own with four candles, a little moss and some decoration. I guess I have to import the electrical from Sweden. I did found the beverage glogg and swedish gingerbread cookies, the thin kind. And even some julmust. Christmas is saved!! :D

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rain, rain and more rain.

Yesterday in NYC. Rain all day. Wet socks, boots, jeans and coat. Inspite the umbrella :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cinnamon buns

And now I'm about to bake some more cinnamon buns! Cinnamon buns with coffee - I love it! But only the small swedish size, and absolutely no glaze or frosting on top! :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hiking on Overlook Mountain.

Went hiking on Overlook Mountain the other day. It was quite steep all the way and we walked for about 90 minutes, so it was not completely easy to get up there. We felt our muscles in our legs the days after. But the view was magnificent! And the weather was great, just like a summerday almost. We don't have days like this in Sweden in November, that is for sure.